Saudi-Arabien: Ein gnadenloses Regime wird in einem Einzelfall um Gnade gebeten

11 Nov.
11. November 2022

Guten Tag, mein Tübinger Freund Max ist ein Kämpfer für die Gerechtigkeit. Ohne seinen Starrsinn würde es nicht Woche für Woche eine Mahnwache für den von der saudiarabischen Obrigkeit verfolgten Raif Badawi geben,dem nach Abbüßung seiner zehnjährigen Haft nun die Ausreise zu seiner Familie nach Kanada verwehrt wird. In diesem Kampf um die Freilassung gibt es immer wieder neue Meldungen über Umrecht, das Menschen widerfährt, die für mehr Freiheit in diesem unfreien Land eintreten. Hier bittet Amnesty um einen Appell zugunsten eines Mensachenrechtsanwalt.
Die angegebene Fax-Nummer funktioniert nicht; wen wundert’s. Deswegen der Brief hier.
Herzliche Grüße
Henning v. Vieregge

King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
Office of His Majesty the King
Royal Court, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 111 488 2222
Fax: +961 11 403 3125 (please keep trying)

Your Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,
I am alarmed to learn that Mohammed al-Qahtani, human rights defender and co-founder of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA), has been denied visits and contact with his family since 24 October2022.
Mohammed al-Qahtani’s wife told Amnesty International that she has not had contact with her husband for 11 days ago. On 30 October, she called the prison to inquire about her husband. The prison guard told her that Mohammed al-Qahtani had been transferred to another prison, but he does not know his location.
Mohammed al-Qahtani was arrested in March 2012 and interrogated regarding his work with ACPRA andpeaceful activism. On 9 March 2013, the Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced him to 10 years in prison to be followed by a travel ban of equal length on charges including “breaking allegiance to the ruler”, “questioning the integrity of officials”, “seeking to disrupt security and inciting disorder by calling fordemonstrations”, and “instigating international organizations against the Kingdom.” The court also ordereddisbanding the ACPRA, confiscation of its property and the closure of its social media accounts.
This is not the first time Mohammed al-Qahtani was denied contact with his family. In April 2021, he washeld incommunicado after testing positive for Covid-19, raising fears regarding his health and well-being forthe duration of his illness.
I urge you to reveal Mohammed al-Qahtani’s whereabouts, and immediately and unconditionally release him.
Pending his release, the authorities must ensure he is allowed to contact his family without any delay.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Henning von Vieregge

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