Trauer um Dieter Schweickhardt

23 Dez.
23. Dezember 2019

Blog 220, Dezember 2019

Guten Tag,

Dieter Schweickhardt war mein Vorgänger als Hauptgeschäftsführer des Gesamtverbands Kommunikationsagenturen GWA. Er hat 35 Jahre für den Verband, der drei Mal seinen Namen wechselte, sei es, um einen Zusammenschluss zweier Verbände zu markieren, sei es um auf Zeithöhe zu sein, gearbeitet. Er war ein Geschäftsführer wie aus dem Bilderbuch: klug, diplomatisch,reich an Beziehungs- und Freundschaftsnetzen, pragmatisch gepaart mit strategischer Weitsicht, gut gelaunt und gutem Genuss nie abhold. Während meiner Zeit für den GWA bin ich immer wieder auf Themen und Regelungen gestoßen, die mein Vorgänger angestoßen und auf den Weg gebracht hatte, die ich nur bewundern konnte. Nach meinem Umzug nach Mainz haben wir uns richtig angefreundet, das gilt auch für Dieters Frau Dietlind un Angela.
Der untenstehende Text aus New Business Nr.51-52 vom 16.12. 2019 stammt von Herausgeber Peter Strahlendorf. Man spürt diesem Text im Gegendsatz zu dürren Nachrufen an anderen Stellen die persönliche Betroffenheit an.
Gleiches gilt für Stimmen aus dem europäischen Kreis ehemaliger Geschäftsführer der Agenturverbände, die sich unter dem Label ECAM noch jedes Jahr treffen. Sie waren tätig unter dem Dach von EAAA, heute EACA.

Mit besten Wünschen
Henning v. Vieregge
new business 51-2019 – Nachruf D. Schweickhardt + J. Schrader
siehe auch

Dieter Schweickhardt in Erinnerung
An die Mitglieder der ECAM-Gruppe

Dear friends,
it is my sad duty to inform you that Dieter Schweickhardt passed away December 6. He will be buried in the innerst circle of his family.
This is the obituary notice of his family.
You all know that Dieter was the heart of ECAM for a long time, with his beloved wife Dietlind at his side. He was open minded, tolerant, with a warm heart, loving friendship; we will miss all of his characteristics.

Dear all,
Very sad news. Time passes, with unavoidable endings..
Dieter was a good friend, long time before Ecam, when we were “SPOs” (I even don’t remember what that meant, Senior something Officers) )then “NDs”, when advertising was a challenging business . I learnt a lot with him and he was a great “older brother” in this field.

I feel even more lonely since I realize that I am now one of the very few survivors of this early 80’s time, of our meetings in Helsinki on a boat, in Garmisch with heavy coats or in Berlin in the Springer building overlooking eastern vopos behind the wall.
And also lots of laughter, beer drinking and good warm friendship.
I will really miss Dieter and I cherish his memory.
Jacques Bille, France

Dear friends,

I am another of the few „survivors“ of EAAA as Jacques called us S.P.O’s (Senior Paid Officer, cher Jacques) and Dieter from the very beginning in 1974 when I joined (the youngest and only woman then…) became my mentor in a way and my great friend immediately, and he stayed like that until his death the other day. It was my priviledge to have him as a friend, everything I learned and saw in Germany comes from Dieter and the wonderful Dietlind. We travelled together, enjoyed each other’s company, laughed and drank and eat in countless meetings all over Europe, and always extended our meetings with an extra trip to a cathedral, to drink new wine on the Rhine coast, to visit Rilke’s tomb, or a castle while his endless knowledge of history was shared with me, and until this summer when he called me unexpectedly on the phone one day, we always exchanged post cards from our travels. Also music with Dieter was always interesting – like when he invited me at the Frankfurt Opera to a Czec opera with German titles and analysed the plot for me beforehand. I remember signing along to Dies Ire(!) at the top of our voices in his car on our return from San Remo via Italy and his home in Switzerland. So many memories. His address in Mainz, where the Schweickhardt family was my host many times, is on the top of my address book, and there it will remain.
Maro (Cambouris) Greece

Dieter´s passing away makes me very sad. Please deliver my deepest
sympathy to Diedlind, family, relatives and friends.
You have formulated your feelings beautifully. Personally ECAM
membership has been very important to me. I remember ECAM meeting in
Pori. In his interview to the regional newspaper Satakunnan Kansa Dieter
pointed out that European Union tries to develop mutual understanding
among member states. But we ECAM colleagues are far ahead.
Dieter with Dietlind as a couple had a good sense of humor.
In my autobiographical analysis I regard the togetherness with ECAM
colleagues a valuable European life value. I feel that I am bound to
transfer this culture to my family.
Tapio Kähkönen (Finland)

Dieter will be deeply missed by all of us. He was a warm person, a true European in spirit besides being devoted to the best of German character and culture. He was a great humanist and idealist, a very good friend whom Sólveig and I myself always held in high regard. God bless his memory.
Jonatan Thormundsson (Island)
My loving thoughts and memories to Dietlind – and others, too.

Maybe it is good to remember:
“Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.”
Sinikka Virkkunen, Finnland

Dear ECAM-members,
dear European friends and colleagues of Dieter,

on behalf of Dietlind and the entire Schweickhardt family I would like
to thank you very much for your condolences and sympathies. We are aware
of how much you all meant to him.

Although his body was weak, his brain and heart were strong until the
very ending and he still amazed us with his capacity of remembering
names, places and events. We’re sure that he kept you all in his heart
even in the past few weeks when his health problems got worse.

Thank you so much again for sharing wonderful moments with him and for
being friends.

We all wish you Merry Christmas and a Happ New Year!

Wolfram (Sohn von Dieter Schweickhardt)

Der zweite Nachruf aus New Business gilt Jürgen Schrader, ehemaliger Chef von Lintas, als diese noch die Nr.1 der Agenturen war, und später von Unilever, einer von den Führungsleuten, die auf eine ungemein verbindliche , höfliche und dem Gegenüber entgegenkommende Art effizient waren; einem, dem man gern jeden Gefallen tut.Als langjähriger Präsident des Dachverbands ZAW waren er und Dieter Schweickhardt gut bekannt.

new business 51-2019 – Nachruf D. Schweickhardt + J. Schrader

Sinikka Virkkunen, Finnland, schickte Fotos verstorbener ECAM Mitglieder.

Memories ECAM

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